Monday, October 18, 2010

Tooth #2

We have a squealer on our hands! If I can get my video camera figured out, I'll post video soon! Just imagine the squeal...'cause that's what we get when we try to look in this mouth at tooth#2~ Photobucket
Can you see the second tooth (this is the best picture I got!)? It's not the other middle tooth, it's the one to the right of the first tooth! We have noticed a little bump there, but we thought the gums were swollen from the first tooth. We were watching for the other middle tooth! Daddy realized Saturday that this is really another toothie!
We're not sure if this is normal, but all kids are different, right? We're proud to say the second tooth popped through just as quickly and easily as the first! Fingers crossed that the rest of them come in just as quietly!


Anonymous said...

I am looking forward to a video of our sweet Avery Claire! Give our beautiful baby a hug and kiss from Nana! I love ya'll

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