Monday, September 26, 2011

18 Months {a day late}

Avery Claire, at 18 months you:

Photobucket- are a ball of energy. Where all of that energy comes from I'll never know.

- are still such a great sleeper. See above comment - you need your rest! You go to bed about 8:15 on a school night. {You'd go earlier, but then we wouldn't get much time to play with you.} Mommy wakes you up at 6:25. On the weekends, you stay up until 9 or 9:30 and sleep til around 8. You usually take a good 2+ hour nap.

- love to be outside. You've met a new friend {a 5th grader from down the street}. Gracie rides her bike and you think she is somethin' else! She talks to you and will sit on the ground with us and just hang out. She asks all kinds of questions about you and says she just loves little kids. You give her a hug every time you see her. You would stay out 24/7 and hate it when we have to go inside!

- think you are just as big as the kids who play in our neighborhood and don't understand why you can't just go with them. Neither do they...I need to post about those kids sometime!

- look less like a baby and more like a big girl every bittersweet for a mommy!

- jabber constantly. You can say hey, bye, bite, bow, bowl, ball, uh-uh, mama, daddy, papa, bubba {daycare friend!}, be right back, ready-set-go, and out-shide {outside}. You understand everything we tell you. There are things I don't think you'll know, and you do! For example, Becca was visiting and I told you to show her your Bama shaker. I really didn't think you'd know what I was talking about. You went right over to your toy box and pulled it out. You surprise me {and make me so proud} all of the time.

- are loving pepperoni. You want me to open the fridge, you get out the package and open it, and I cook it.

- are not patient. When you want your pepperoni {or whatever else}, you want it right then.

- are stubborn! You know where time out is and you don't like it.

- love to answer yes or no questions by nodding your head. You crack me up when I ask you questions about your day at daycare. You always tell me you did not take a nap and you did not eat lunch. You will tell me yes when I ask if you played with _______ {insert name}?

- are so friendly. You met another neighbor, Erica, last week. Erica is probably 40ish. You reached for her that day. When you saw her again outside, you took off running towards her and she scooped you up. You made her day.

- love daycare. I ask you in the mornings if you're ready to go to Mrs. Brittany's and you nod and go towards the door. I love it that you love it there. It makes sending you so much easier.

- have been Miss Cranky Pants in the afternoons lately. We don't know if you're cutting teeth or if you're just ill. We hope it's a phase that passes quickly.

- love shoes and clothes and jewelry!

- get a bag and sometimes a bracelet and tell us "bye" and pretend you're leaving.

- are an awesome pretender! I love to see you pretend in your kitchen {this is proof for Daddy that I must cook enough that you know what to do!}. And when you play with your babies, my heart melts! Precious!

- have more hair than we know what to do with. It's growing so fast and stays in your eyes. I don't think they make you wear your bow at daycare, which I'm glad I can't see 'cause it'd drive me crazy.

- love that paci. I know we'll have to think about taking it away at some point, but I don't think I'm ready! Waiting to see how our blog friends Rosie and Gavin do with that one!! ;-)

- have a gazillion toys and play with about 2 of them. You'd rather have a water bottle with the top so you can pretend to drink it and put the top back on.

- copy everything we do. A few of the things you've done that cracked us up that you knew how to do from watching: pretend to swish mouthwash, blow your nose, turn up the water bottle, and pretend to unscrew the cap off the vitamin bottle and "pop" that vitamin! You are too funny!

- are a squealer. I think ya'll must do that at you notice a pattern here? Blame it all on daycare!! You really do learn so many great things, there, too!

- want to sit in your high chair. It was at Nana's for awhile because we forgot it. Now that we have it back, you point to it and want to sit in it to eat/snack.

- love to race. At daycare, all of the kids race down the hill every day. Mrs. Brittany says "Ready. Set. Go." and you all run down the hill. She says you're a fast little booger. And you all of a sudden started saying it at home and taking off running. So now we race down the hall or to the door.

- are such a great kiss-giver. I love to get kisses and hugs from you. You're quick about them, but they are so precious!

- can give five {and sometimes ten!}.

- hold up touchdown arms when we're watching a game.

- have started sleeping with a blanket, which thrills your Papa. He was worried about you getting cold this winter. You don't keep it on you very long, though, but maybe you will soon.

- are still not that interested in TV. You seriously don't slow down long enough to watch it. You'll watch if we point something out to you, but you could care less. You do love the Chick-Fil-A commercials.

- are still obsessed with cows.

- wearing size 4 diapers.

- love white milk! I let you have chocolate a couple of times and you barely touched it. You love apple juice, white grape juice, apple/prune juice, and strawberry/banana V-Fusion. You don't care for orange juice.

- will tear up some chicken! You like it grilled or fried. You don't like hamburgers. You are loving the Gerber cheese/spinach ravioli again lately. You also love bacon, pancakes, waffles, okra, squash, pizza, chips, FRENCH FRIES, and 100 calorie chocolate chip cookies! You see us dipping things in ketchup or bbq sauce or cheese and you pretend to dip, too. You love it when we dip something for you and let you eat it!

- are the very best that's ever happened to your Mommy and Daddy! We cannot imagine life without you in it. We thank God he sent you to us to love. You are perfect in our eyes and we are so proud you're ours. We love you so very, very much, our sweet baby girl!

I managed for 17 months to take Avery Claire's monthly pictures on the 25th. I haven't always posted on the correct day, but the pictures have always been accurate. Until today.
Yesterday, I thought at least 11 times about how tomorrow {Monday}, I'd need to take her pictures. I located the frog and even thought about typing the post so all I'd have to do today is take her pictures. I realized when I woke up this morning that today is the 26th. So, instead of backdating my post and pretending I'm completely on top of things, I'm being honest. This definitely reflects the business of life right now.

I do, however, have pictures of her at breakfast on the 25th, so I'll share those, too. If you can't tell, I'm having a hard time letting go of my mistake. But I'll get over it. C
Couldn't you eat that cuteness up with a spoon?



Anonymous said...

Happy 18 Months, Avery Claire!!! Nana & Papa love our beautiful, sweet, smart, and friendly little girl! You are growing up way too fast! Love these sweet pictures!! You are so precious to us! We are looking forward to seeing you all soon!!
Thank you Jesus for blessing us with our little bundle of JOY! We love you Avery Claire! Papa & Nana

Anonymous said...

Happy 18 months Avery Claire, and tell your mommy
to quit beating herself up because it's a day late... I just get so excited when I see a new post. Love the pictures, you're so adorable. I bet those kids in the neighborhood are still knocking on your door wanting you to come out and play. Love and miss you soo much!!! Win says he misses you too. Love the Halloween PJs. Mema

Rosie said...

*Gasp* I can't believe you were a day late :) just kidddinnngg!
Crazy how our kids are still remarkebly similar!
Except Gavin loves him some t.v. He'll sit and watch Mickey Mouse or Jake & the Neverland Pirates all day if I let him.
And about the pacifier..
After I cut a hole in the end, he Hated it. He threw it on the table, then the floor, then across the kitchen b/c he hated it that much. He wouldn't even take it after that. Last night was different though. His teeth were hurting, so he cried for his binky. Without suction it wouldn't stay in his mouth. I give it a few more days, and I don't think he'll even look for it anymore. Way easier than I thought! I highly reccommend trying it!

Wendy said...

Happy 18 months! It's funny . . . I bought myself a pair of TOMS the other day and couldn't help but think of Avery Claire and her TOMS . . . my feet don't look nearly as cute as hers do in those shoes! She's so adorable!

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