Sunday, our church played a video that began with a picture of an embryo, then a sonogram, then a baby, a little girl, a teenager, a girl graduating from college, getting married, having kids of her own, etc. Then at the end of the video, it said that the girl's life never happened because she was aborted.
I know this is a heavy topic. But it's something I've thought about since I had Avery Claire. Before I was pregnant and carried her little life inside of me, I really was kind of "pro choice". Not that I agreed with the idea of abortion or would have ever been able to do that myself, but I kind of just figured it should be up to a woman to make that decision.
But after I had Avery Claire and really started to think about it, I cannot fathom the idea of aborting a sweet, innocent baby. A baby that has absolutely no choice in the matter. In the U.S., a baby is aborted every 26 seconds. There are over 1.2 million abortions in our country every year.
I am certainly not judging anyone who has ever had an abortion. I know that we make the best decisions that we can at the time in our lives that we make them. Our preacher talked about how God forgives us and we should forgive ourselves. Anyone who has had to make such a decision should never let the ways or people of this world put a burden back on them that God has already forgiven them for.
I just think about that video, and I look at the sweet, innocent face of my baby.
And I know that I am "pro life". What if my sweet baby weren't given the chance to be such a loving, independent, stubborn, silly, precious little two year old girl?
Defend the weak and the fatherless. {Psalm 82:3}
We could not imagine our lives without our sweet children and grandbaby! You are precious blessings to us! Love to you all, Mom(Nana)& Dad(Papa)
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