She was so excited. We picked him out a gift at WalMart Friday night and Sunday she was beside herself knowing that we were leaving for the party a little while after church. She kept saying "after I take a nap, we'll go to Brennan's party!" And after the party, she asked "We're not gonna take nap today?!"
Poor thing fell asleep on the way to the party...
She perked right up when I woke her up and told her we were at Chuck E. Cheese! There were a couple of her other school friends there + the birthday boy. They were so sweet hugging each other and holding hands and dragging each other to the next game or ride.
Waiting patiently on cake!!
I wish I had some video of the kiddos playing! And of Avery Claire seeing Chuck E. She was sitting up on her knees looking around and when he walked out, she turned around and sat low in her chair so he wouldn't notice her!
She had such a fun time! I was so glad I took her!!
The first friend party of many! I am so happy that she had fun at Brennan's party! I knew that she would love Chuck e Cheese! I love to watch our sweet girl play!
I know that she is so excited about her party!(and so are we) We can't wait to get there to celebrate our sweet girl! Love to you all, Nana
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