These boys were pretty amazed at one another. It was so sweet to see them talk to each other and try to touch each other.
Saturday, we met Abby and Mattie for lunch and then headed to Giggle Time. They played for a couple of hours and had so much fun!
I wish we lived closer so they could play and and be BFFs like their mamas, but it was so sweet how they just acted like they talk and play together all of the time.
We got to spend lots of sweet cousin time. Bryant looks like he may have been trying to escape. He has other big cousins, but I'm not sure they are as "hands-on" as this one. ;-)
We had lots of visitors, but I only managed to get one picture.
This boy has another cold. So, sleep has been not so good. I've decided propping him on the boppy right next to me is the best way that we can both get some sleep. We have cleaned his poor nose out 1,278 times, I think.
These two take full advantage of the spoiling that goes on while they visit.
Josh and DeAnna's shower for baby Joseph was Sunday afternoon, which is why we made the trip. You know Avery Claire loves a shower or a party.
Bennett stayed with Papa while we were at the shower. Papa sent me several updates to let me know they were okay. I think he was way more worried than I was!!
If you've never traveled with a baby, then you would be confused as to why it took over 4 hours for us to get home Sunday night (it's normally a 3 hour trip). If Grandma hadn't been with us, it might have taken 6 or 7 hours.
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