Friday, May 29, 2015

Last Day of School 2015

Dusty's last day of school was last Friday, but me and the kiddos had to go all week this week. 

Here are our last day pictures and our first/last day comparisons. I've been emotional this week about the fact that Avery Claire won't go back to her little preschool next year. I'd given myself a pep talk about dropping her off this morning in hopes that I wouldn't cry. God knew what he was doing when we were running late and rushing around so I didn't even have time for the ugly cry. 

Do you see the door lock? Look at how much she's grown!!! And look at that sweet little hair cut!!

Look at her on her very first day at Mars Hill:

And her very first day of daycare at Mrs. Teresa and Mrs. Brittany's:

This little guy has grown a ton, too!! He can sit up by himself, but he's kind of wobbly. 

It turned ugly fast after he fell over and hit his head on the floor. See why I was hot and sweaty and rushed with no time for breakdowns of my own?

I got pictures together after school because they matched!! Do you know how hard it is to match girl/boy siblings? I discovered that I had fabric that matched Avery Claire's dress, so I had to make Bennett a shirt with it ASAP!! 

Those sweet poses last for just a second before he attacks!! 


Anonymous said...

I still have not accepted the fact that our sweet girl actually starts school! She is growing up way too fast! She said that she is going to miss Ms. Donna so much! I told her that she would love her new teacher too! Baby Bennett is growing fast too! He will be starting school before we know it! I love y'all! Nana

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