Wednesday, June 24, 2015

VBS '15

Today was the first day of Bible school. We invited Addison to go with us several weeks ago. Instead of getting up when my alarm went off, I woke up 4 minutes before it was time for us to leave. I woke the kids up and got us ready and out the door in 12 minutes. We were gonna be late, but not too late. Until I ran over a huge rock and puntured my tire. I was ready to give up, but my husband came and gave me his truck and handled my car so I could get all of us to Bible School. 

These two were so excited about going together! 

This chick was so excited to have a friend going with her. I didn't get a picture of them together on day two, but you can tell how excited she was! 

We knew we were gonna miss day 4, but we had planned to go on Day 3. Until, after we were all ready, I realized Bennett's car seat was in Dusty's truck where we'd left it the night before. And by the time we got it, we were too late to go. Some days you win, some days you don't. 


Anonymous said...

Thankful that our sweet girl got to go to bible school! Thankful for our sweet Dusty who takes such great care of my girl! Love you all! Nana

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