Thursday, September 29, 2011

Stuffy & Spoiled

We're surprised it's taken this long for the stuffy nose to make its appearance, but it's here! Avery Claire woke up last night {or really this morning, I guess} around 12:00. She stood up and cried, so I knew something must be up. I went to check on her, and I could tell immediately her nose was stopped up. Dusty found the humidifier, I got the nasal aspirator and we fought her to suck some of that mess out of her nose. By the way, I know some of you don't like them, but we love that thing!!
I loaded her feet and chest with Vicks and we laid on the couch, with my pillow, for a few minutes. She kept sitting up, pointing to things in the living room. I'd ask her if she wanted to go to her bed and she'd shake her head no. I'd tell her to lay down, then, and she'd plop back down. When she tried to get up to go play, I laid her in her bed {with my pillow}. She fell back asleep in a few minutes...without a fuss, which surprised me!
She woke up again at 5:00. Same thing....This time, after I greased her down again, we laid in our bed. She kept pointing to her Daddy and trying to sit up. I took her back to her bed, and she fell asleep again. She hadn't moved one muscle and did NOT want to get up when I woke her up at almost 6:30. This Mommy and Daddy are used to getting our sleep, so we were dragging this morning!

Here's what she looked like when I laid her down a few minutes ago...just a giggling and greased from chest to feet with Vapo-Rub!! I think I'm gonna have to go buy her her own bamboo pillow tomorrow so I can have mine back!



And just because....can you believe how much our girl has grown and changed over the past year? We found her first tooth a year ago tomorrow!


Jana said...

Hope she feels better soon!!!!

Brandi said...

Bless her heart!! I hope she feels better soon!!!!

Anonymous said...

Avery Claire, you are growing up so very fast! I enjoy doing my part to spoil you, sweet girl! I am glad that you only had a stuffy nose and that you are feeling better!
I have not been able to get my comments to post for over a week. Miss you all terribly and love you all lots, Nana

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