We started practicing "resting" on our napmat last week. It was so funny because Avery Claire kept calling it her jacket. She finally starting saying napmat after I corrected her a few times.
She got a little upset yesterday when she realized we left it at school!
She was so excited about her "pack-pack" when it arrived.
And we picked out this little dandy at WalMart. Kind of glad I didn't go in search of the ol' monogrammed lunchbox 'cause she loves this Hello Kitty "wunchbox."
Tomorrow is my first day of school, but I wanted to take Avery Claire today so that I could be nearby if I needed to be. I know, I know...that's silly. And I hated to give up my last day with her. But I knew it ahead of time, so we played hard all week last week. And I needed to know she was okay before I was stuck in meetings all day and couldn't just run over there. Last night, I got all of her things ready to go. Seriously, if you'd told me my 2 year old would need a backpack and a lunchbox, I'd have told you you were crazy. Nope. Her school requested them.
And a folder that travels from school to home and back to school each day. And requires my signature on the behavior form each night? Oh, yeah, we've got that, too. What is this, Kindergarten? This mama is not ready for such.
She was up and at 'em this morning at 6:24 and excited about going to her new school.
She mentioned a couple of times that she didn't want me to go to work or that she wanted me to stay with her, but when I took her to her classroom, she stood there like a big girl. I didn't make a big deal of good-bye and she kind of looked at the toy in front of her as I left. I heard her teacher, Ms. Laura, encouraging her to go play with the baby dolls.
And she had a great day. She ate good, tried to potty, played, got along with everyone...it took her a bit to go to sleep {on a cot!!}, but she slept great once she did.
It was obvious tonight she didn't get her nap out because she was tired and ready for bed around 6:00. But our first day of "school" was a success. I am so thankful for a little girl who is so friendly and adjusts so well to change. Just wish her mama and daddy were better at it!
Avery Claire, you are such a big girl! Nana is sooo proud of you! I thought about you (and your mommy and daddy) all day! I am so thankful that you loved your new school! I could not wait to talk to you about your day! You were so proud of yourself for going to school! I loved listening to you tell all about it with such sweet excitement! Your new napmat, backpack, and lunchbox are all sooo cute!
Nana loves you sweetie!
Avery Claire,
I love your first school work! Good job! Mommy and Daddy will treasure that sweet "hand" forever!
Love you, Nana
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