How in the world can summer be gone already? Didn't it JUST start? I know you folks who work during the summer hate to hear me complain...and I promise I am so grateful for the weeks I've had off with my girl. It's just that summer stretches out before at the end of May and you think August seems so far away. And then - BAM -it hits you like a ton of bricks.
I am very thankful to have a job. And very excited to be starting a new phase of my career this year. So, I'll quit complaining and get over it. I'll be back in school mode by August 20th, I promise. {That's when kids show up.}
There has been lots and lots of playing going on at the Davis house. I have tried to keep Avery Claire entertained inside because it's just too blame hot to be out. We do usually go out in the late afternoons and come in right before bath time so we can wash her soaking-wet-with-sweat head in the tub.
Dusty's been out of town quite a bit lately for 7-on-7 camps, so it's just been us girls. We've baked a few goodies to snack on.
And we've watched some TV and played with baby dolls galore. And we've worn our Nike shorts most days, which is just how Avery Claire likes it.
Miss Priss has become quite the little ironer. Too bad I can't get her to iron her Daddy's pants and shirts each week when school starts!
I think this was a "cheeeeese" face.
Her new favorite cartoon - Little Bill!
This girl loves to read!
After church one Sunday
We keep WalMart bags in the bottom of a cabinet {mostly for dirty diapers}. Avery Claire's newest game is getting out 8-10 bags and filling them with groceries from my cabinet and from her kitchen. It keeps her entertained for an hour. So even though it takes me 30 minutes to clean up her grocery fun, I leave her alone and let her "shop!"
I will say that sleeping has gotten better. Not back to great, but better! She will lay down - finally - without calling us back into her room 26 times before she goes to sleep. That could all change tonight. And bless her heart, she has so many toys in her bed there's hardly room for her. But she takes inventory before she goes to sleep, and if something is missing, we hear her yelling for it. Since getting rid of the paci, she has only slept through the night about 3 times. She wakes up and yells for us to cover her up at least once every night. She will lay back down and go to sleep when we do, but, darn, we miss that paci!
Nana came for a visit...we were sad to see her go and hope she can make it back for a day or two {or five} before we all start back to school!
After church yesterday, I thought I might get a decent picture of us since my camera got all blurry before church. This silly girl loves to make faces at herself in the camera. Little monkey.
We've got a few more days of summer to live it up. Hopefully, I can get a couple more posts done before the craziness of school begins.
Love these pictures of summertime fun. Avery Claire, everyday with you is fun times!!! You're such a joy to be around... you are so funny!!! So sorry your summer has to end and will take some adjusting but oh what joy to see each other in the afternoons and hear you tell about your day at your new school!!! love all of you and hope to see you soon.
Brooke, I have asked myself this same question. How could our summer break be almost over? I loved my visit with you all! Avery Claire, you are such a doll! I had so much fun playing with you! It had been a long time since I had jumped on a trampoline! Jumping with my sweetie pie was such a special treat for me! I love these pictures! Such precious memories being made!
I love you all! Nana
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