She even wore them to church Sunday. She was so proud of herself! Her Mommy and Daddy are so proud of her, too!
She's been peeing in the potty for awhile. She's had very few "accidents" in her pull-up for the last few weeks. We've been telling her she could wear her big girl panties when she pooped in the potty. She finally decided she was ready. I thought I'd probably make her sleep in a pull-up for awhile, but she was so upset when I mentioned it, I figured we'd try it. She's always dry when I wake her up, and she's even woke up and called us in there because she needed to pee a few times.
She's really done so good! She had one accident. It just so happened she was with her Daddy. At the new house. Where there is no potty.
He sent me a message (I worked the after school program Monday) and I could hear the panic even through the text! But I was proud of him. He took her home, cleaned her up, and went back and cleaned up the puddle.
I'm sure that won't be the last accident, but I think that comes with the territory. Our baby is officially a "big girl."
Sniff, sniff.
Yay Avery Claire!! So proud of you! You are such a big girl!!!!
Avery Claire, I am so proud of you! I love how excited you are to be wearing "big girl" panties! I bought you some glittery Minnie Mouse panties today! I can't wait for you to see them. Even though I am happy about your "potty training" success, I am a little sad because this means that my sweet little granddaughter is growing up! But Sweetie, you will always be my baby! I love you much, Nana
We are sooo excited that you all will be coming to Clay County tomorrow! We love to have all our babies with us! We are so, so very THANKFUL for our precious family!! We are sooo blessed! We love you all, Nana & Papa
Yay Avery Claire!!!
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