Today is Nana's birthday!! We hope you have a wonderful day today and we're so glad we got to spend last weekend with you! I thank God for such a wonderful mom every day. I couldn't have been blessed with a more supportive, loving, generous, selfless mother. I hope to be half the mom to Avery Claire that you've always been to me. We love you much!!
This week is week 1 of the playoffs. The Falcons play Huntsville. I feel like I've hardly blogged about football season and it's a huge part of our lives right now! Avery Claire loves to go to the games! We've only missed a couple because it was too far to drive by ourselves. This week the game is at home and it looks like it's going to warm up enough for us to go!
One of the weeks we didn't go, we had a nice, laid back evening at home. I introduced Avery Claire to The Little Mermaid and it was a hit! She now asks to watch 'the girl swimming.'
And I snapped a picture to send to her Daddy on his way home after that game.
For 2 of the last 3 Mondays, we had to stay at school until 6 for conference days. I had a helper one of those nights.
During the last 2 weeks, we had awards day, Reader Leader Celebration, and a very important meeting for our elementary librarians. All of that required a lot of preparation and planning. The last week, we had the book fair. Folks, let me tell you, it's not just simply rolling in some carts and opening them up. Wow. There's a lot to a book fair. I had no idea. But it made it all worth it when I heard a little boy say "This is so much more awesomer than last year."
Here's the finished "trophy." The book fair was an "All Star Book Fair."
I finished up the book fair Friday and then had a yard sale Saturday. I must have been crazy when I thought I could do those two things in the same week. I did pretty well, though, so it was worth my time and effort. Thank God Papa and Nana came up to help out.
We have managed to spend a couple of nights relaxing lately. Those nights are rare and very cherished!
Notice this little brown blanket? This is Avery Claire's lovey. Keep in mind, she has never had a lovey. Another kid in her class has a lovey and one day she said she wanted one. We've had this one I bought way before I ever got pregnant. I intended to give it as a gift and never did and just held on to it for when I had kids. Now, she has to take this lovey to school with her for nap time and will not go to bed without it. We had to instate a "lovey has to stay in your bed" rule because she wanted to carry it every where. The other day, Dusty said, "I'd like 5 minutes with the kid who told her about a lovey."
Again with the glasses that are adult size and have no lenses. We did get a few stares in Target. But I just pretended like I didn't notice. Apparently, those people don't have kids and aren't familiar with the term "you pick your battles."
Avery Claire has had major constipation issues lately. They called me from school one day last week because she was pitiful. Grunting with every breath she took. She even had a fever. We used two suppositories that day. We're really trying to up her fiber intake. If that doesn't work, we will be seeing someone about this problem. We cannot handle any more days like that one.
We're playing lots of school around here. Guess who's the teacher?
House update coming soon!! Today, our builder said the house should be move-in ready in 4 weeks or less!
Reese has a lovey now too- a pink monkey. She took to it not long after we got rid of the paci. So is AC potty trained? I need to know exactly how that went?? Reese does good at daycare (from what I'm told) then she comes home and tee tees in the floor! I don't get it!
I love all the sweet pictures! I am having a happy birthday- just wish all my babies were with me!! I love spending time with you all! Avery Claire is one happy, beautiful, precious, smart, sweet, and busy little girl! We have sooooo much fun playing together! Nana loves you MUCH sweetie!! Last night I just wanted to get in my car and drive to Muscle Shoals when she said "Come to my house"! Love to you all!! Go Falcons!! Nana
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