This week, Avery Claire should weigh about as much as a cauliflower. However, Avery Claire actually weighs as much as a head of lettuce, which is the food for 30 weeks. So, our foods are not accurate, but we're gonna stay on schedule!

How far along: 27 weeks
Net weight gain/loss: up 14-15 lbs.
Maternity clothes: Yes to the pants! I think it’s good to be pregnant in winter – clothes are bigger so I can still wear my sweaters!
Stretch marks: No (still hoping for none!!)
Belly button: innie – but it’s definitely starting to stretch!
Sleep: Pretty good, except for bathroom trips.
Baby movement: Yes – she’s busy in there!
Food cravings: Took the glucose test today, so yesterday I was craving anything that had sugar (because I was supposed to be avoiding it!). I passed – yea!!
Food aversions: No…
What I miss: Warm weather!
Looking forward to: Getting Avery Claire’s room painted
Best moment this week: Seeing Avery Claire on the ultrasound-she’s a cutie, even in 2D! I’ll put a new pic up today, I promise!
Milestones: Last Tuesday (12-29-09), Avery Claire weighed 2 lbs, 4 ounces. Today, she weighs 3 lbs, 1 ounce – she hit a growth spurt last week! That means she’s measuring about 2 weeks early, weight-wise (although she probably won’t gain as much every week!).She's sleeping and waking at regular intervals, opening and closing her eyes, and sucking her fingers. We know from ultrasounds that she loves to keep her hands near her mouth. She should be a pro with a paci! With more brain tissue developing, Avery Claire’s brain is very active now. Her lungs are still immature, but they would be capable of functioning — with a lot of medical help — if she were to be born now. Baby hiccups are at least a daily occurrence now, which means she’s breathing in amniotic fluid – that’s a good thing! That means she’s working on her breathing skills!
That a girl!!! Yay for gaining almost a lb last week! Praying for Avery Claire, you, and Big D daily!:) Steph
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