Here's Avery Claire on the ultrasound this morning. The ultrasound tech outlined her little body with her hand close to her face.

Dr. Frazier has diagnosed preeclampsia (high blood pressure brought on by pregnancy), although I have no other symptoms, yet. She thinks that if I stay home and take it easy, other symptoms might not arise. I'm not confined to the bed, but I've been told to take it easy!
I am going for weekly visits and weekly BioPhysical Profile ultrasounds. That means we get to see Avery Claire every week, and the ultrasound tech gives her a score according to her movement, her breathing, and my fluid levels. So far, she's scored an 8 out of 8 for the past three weeks. Dr. Frazier is very pleased with Avery Claire's growth and movement. As long as she continues to grow on schedule (or ahead of it, as she did this week), and as long as things stay the same with my blood pressure, we're going to keep doing what we're doing. Dr. Frazier wants us to shoot for 37 weeks, which is less than 9 weeks away.
So, when you say your prayers, if you'll throw in a prayer for us Davis's, we'd really appreciate it. We're praying for lower (or just not higher) blood pressure and that Avery Claire continues to grow according to schedule. We're very excited about her joining us, but we're not ready yet! She's got a few more weeks of staying warm inside mommy until we're ready!
Stepping into this blog thing easy with a comment. Im glad your visit went well and pray it continues to. Love reading your posts and seeing Avery Claire. Emma and I are praying for her and her parents every night. Love, Tia
Mommy, Daddy, and Avery Claire are in our thoughts and prayers all day every day! We are so thankful for a good doctors visit today! We love the new pictures of our beautiful little girl! We love you so much! Nana, papa, and Uncle Matt
take it VERY EASY - we're praying for you!
Take care of yourself and BABY Avery!! That is the most important thing right now- job will be there when all this is done and you are holding that sweet new baby girl. Keep us posted - text you Sunday while watching Bros&Sis.
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