We're keeping on with the food schedule, even though we're ahead of it for right now.
This week, Avery Claire is should be about the size of a head of Chinese cabbage.

How far along: 28 weeks
Net weight gain/loss: up 16 lbs.
Maternity clothes: I’m wearing sweatpants as much as possible these days – they’re warm and comfy for staying on the couch!
Stretch marks: No (still hoping for none!!)
Belly button: innie – it looks weird, though!
Sleep: Much better with the big body pillow!
Baby movement: Yes. Today at the ultrasound they put a tin can on my belly and banged on it – you should have seen Avery Claire jump! We know she can hear!
Food cravings: Frozen punch! Tia made some for New Year’s and my mom sent some, then brought more this weekend. Think I’ve eaten a gallon and a half myself!
Food aversions: No…
What I miss: Going to eat at a restaurant, even if it is just McDonalds!
Looking forward to: Getting Avery Claire’s room painted (progress has been made) and getting furniture in!
Best moment this week: Seeing Avery Claire on the ultrasound! Think that might be my best moment every week from now on! I’ll post new pics later.
Milestones: Today, Avery Claire weighs 3 lbs, 5 ounces. She is above average and measuring about 30 weeks, which is great! She now has eyelashes and she’s also developing billions of neurons in her brain and adding more body fat in preparation for life in the outside world. Today’s “about me” calendar says Avery Claire is not sad, but she may cry sometimes! How crazy is that?!
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