This week, Avery Claire should be about the size of a butternut squash. She's actually a couple of weeks ahead of schedule.

How far along: 29 weeks
Net weight gain/loss: up 17-18 lbs.
Maternity clothes: Yes (and sweatpants!)
Stretch marks: No (still hoping for none!!)
Belly button: a stretched out innie
Sleep: Waking up around 5:30 and cannot go back to sleep. This would never have happened if I was still getting up to go to work!!
Baby movement: Yes. I can tell she’s growing and running out of room to move around as much.
Food cravings: Not really sure this week.
Food aversions: No…
What I miss: WalMart – never thought I’d say that.
Looking forward to: Getting the furniture set up in Avery Claire’s room
Best moment this week: Seeing Avery Claire on the ultrasound! I’ll post new pics later.
Milestones: Today, Avery Claire weighs 3 lbs, 10 ounces. Her muscles and lungs are continuing to mature. Her head is growing to make room for her developing brain. The ultrasound lady told us that she has lots of hair already!
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