We spent lots of time playing outside {the weather couldn't have been better for most of the week...85 degrees and sunny}! We spent time on Avery Claire's new slide and down the street at our neighbor's awesome swingset.
Avery Claire did go to daycare Tuesday{at around 9} and Wednesday {at around 10:45} so that Mommy could get a couple of things done {like the dentist}.
We visited Daddy Wednesday at school. Here is my diva on the way.
We spent lots of time at the park! Avery Claire loves the park. Now she specifies where she wants to slide. If it's outside or at our neighbor's, she just says "slide?" If it's at the park, she asks "park slide?" I heard her talking to her baby tonight and saying "yew won park slide, baby?!" The girl would live at the park, seriously, if we'd let her. Wait til they open the splash pad this summer. We may have to drag her away kicking and screaming {at dark}.
Look at the playground, though, really! What kid wouldn't love it?
We went to Spring Park {which is different} Thursday morning, and we didn't love it as much. There wasn't nice mulch on the ground so our feet got really dirty. And I Avery Claire loved the ducks - from afar. If she thought they were remotely turning in her direction, the girl ran like she was being chased by the cops. It was hilarious!
We did some shaving cream paint in the bathtub. Avery Claire wasn't too sure about it at first, but it didn't take her long to realize it was okay to be messy and she had a ball!
Thursday night, my sweet friends, LeAnn and Stacy, from RES came over. We had a lot of catching up to do. LeAnn brought her sweet little boy, Grant. Avery Claire calls him "baby Gants." She did surprising well with Grant. She made she he had his paci at all times. She didn't mind if I held him, which surprised me. {I can just hear you saying "that means it's time for another one!" Ha! You're too funny!
Stacy and LeAnn, we enjoyed our time with you and Baby Gants. Avery Claire is still talking about how sweet and "cewte" baby Gants is! She tells him "night-night" every night!
Friday, Avery Claire had her 2 year well check. I will post those stats as soon as I can find the paper that she stuck somewhere in this house. She got one shot, cried an ugly cry for about 5 seconds, then was okay. It was when I made her wear her bandaid that she had a meltdown. We went to Target and TJ Maxx in the pouring down rain, got her favorite meal {a Boberry biscuit from Bojangles}, and ate lunch in the garage.
Papa had a meeting in Nashville, so he and Nana came Friday night and left Saturday morning. Mommy and Daddy got to have a date night!
Our spring break was great! I enjoyed spending time at home with my girl. She is such a funny, sweet little girl. She really is so much fun to be around. We made lots of messes and played and ate and played and ate. She was a great sleeper, going to be around 8:30 and sleeping until at least 7:30, then playing in her bed for 30-45minutes after she woke up. I really hope we can get that schedule back in play by summertime!
Miss Priss thinks she is grown and played in her bed for an hour and a half Sunday afternoon...instead of nappying. This is her at 6:15.
We let her get a catnap and then made her get up to eat supper. She played a little and hit the sack before 8:00.
She's probably been capable of putting this puzzle together for awhile. She pulled it out Sunday night and put all the pieces in the right places, over and over. I was one proud mama!
I did manage to get a few shirts/dresses done last week...
Here's my sidekick while I work.
Check out her "ready for summer" toes!
Daddy wasn't off last week with us, so he and Avery Claire will be enjoying their Spring Break in a few weeks!
Brooke, I am so happy that you and your sweet little girl had such a beautiful week together! We'll hope for perfect weather for Avery Claire and her daddy! Nana & Papa enjoyed spending time with you all at the beginning and the end of our spring break! Avery Claire, I love these pictures of you playing at the park! Seems like yesterday that your mommy and your Uncle Matt were playing at the park. I can't wait for you all to join us for Easter! We love you all, Nana
Good job on your monogramming Brooke!
Even I enjoyed just reading this particular post while I imagine how happy your daughter was in all these activities, especially the one when she painted your tub. Maybe soon she'll enjoy looking at the corner tubs at stores and thinking of the one she painted at home!
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