Sunday, April 19, 2015

Happy 6 Months, Bennett!!


Bennett, at 6 months, you:

- are taking a 6 ounce bottle every 4-5 hours. 

- are wearing size 2 diapers, still. I've been putting you in a size 3 at night so you are less likely to wet through by morning! 

- wear mostly 9 month clothes. 

- are rolling all over the place. You still don't love to roll from belly to back, but you can if you really need to. 

- are such a strong boy. You think you can lay on your back and sit up, and you can make it about halfway up. 

- love to eat. I've been feeding you a lot of the mixed baby foods, and I haven't found one you don't like. You aren't a fan of peas or green beans alone, but you don't seem to notice if they're mixed with something. 

- are sleeping with no swaddle, and no sleep suit!! We had to buy a mesh bumper because your arms and legs kept going through the crib slats. It's not cute, but you stay right next to it. So, that confirms for your Mama that she was right not to do bumper pads. You would make me a nervous wreck cuddling up to those. 

- have really come a long way in the sleep department. You are sleeping in your bed, all night. Getting you to sleep has been a challenge, but it's getting better. For the last two or three nights, you have woken up after a bit and cried for a few minutes, but you go back to sleep by yourself quickly after we come in and pat you and let you know we're close. 

- You still wake up once, usually anywhere from 1-3. You take 4 ounces and go back to bed. You struggle sometimes around 4:30-5:00 am. You wake up a little but don't really need a bottle. Sometimes, you just come in the bathroom with me while I get ready. Sometimes, you go back to sleep in the bouncy. Sometimes, more and more often, you get yourself back to sleep! Then I have to wake you up before 7 to get your ready for school.

- you still take Prilosec. I'm not sure you need it, but I don't think it's worth trying to stop it yet. 

- are such an easy, happy baby. You love to be talked to and have really found your voice. You squeal and "talk" all of the time. 

- have the most precious little giggle. You're so ticklish around your neck. 

- are content to just play in your exersaucer anytime. 

- you love to stand up and jump. We realized you must be playing in a jumper at school when we would let you stand and you starting jumping like crazy. We bought you a door jumper and you go to town jumping!

- are still a cat napper. You take anywhere from a 30 minute to an hour nap, usually in the bouncy seat or swing. At daycare, you always nap in the bouncy, so we just do that at home usually, too. There, though, you take longer naps!! Maybe it's because it's quiet and dark there. It's anything but quiet here!!

- LOVE your big sister. You light up whenever she walks in the room, and you think anything she does is funny. 

- have a nickname- Ben Ben - at home. I swore we wouldn't do it. Sister does it, and Dad and I do it, too. We try not to say it in front of anyone, because we named you Bennett and want you to be called Bennett, so we don't want to start anything! 

- are the most precious baby boy in the world. You added something to our family that we didn't even know was missing. We enjoy every single second of you, baby boy. We are so thankful that God chose us and trusted us with you. We love you much, Bennett!! 


Anonymous said...

Nana loves you, baby Bennett! You are such a sweet blessing to us! Love to hear your precious laughing! It is so sweet to watch you with your sweet sister! You adore her and she adores you! So precious!

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