Sunday, February 16, 2014

Davis #2 Down for the Count

Avery Claire and I decided this morning that we were going to church. She was amazed that Dusty had slept all day yesterday and didn't even get out of bed. She was spared his visits to the bathrooms.

After I washed my hair and put on my make up this morning, I went to check on Avery Claire in the living room. She complained that her belly hurt. I asked if she was hungry and she said she wanted a pancake. I threw away the bowl of Cap'N Crunch I'd already fixed her (but I wasn't alarmed - this happens half of the time). I put the pancake in front of her and she took one teeny tiny bite. Like the size of a speck of dust. And promptly threw up all over her plate. I cleaned her up and got her bowl and she sat on the bathroom rug while I dried my hair. 
We went straight to the couch, where she continued to throw up. About 5 times within an hour and a half. I could get her to sip some Sprite, which she'd promptly throw up. And she had to make a trip to the toilet, if you catch my drift. She was pitiful.

I sent a message to our neighbor friend who works at our pediatrician's office. She gave me some advice and I headed to Walmart. I've never been hesitant to leave Avery Claire in Dusty's hands, but today was an exception. He was in no shape to handle any kind of major clean ups. She slept the entire time I was gone, of course. 

After I got home and started giving her a little Pedialite every 15 minutes, she started to feel better. After we laid on the couch for a couple of hours, she drank some Sprite and asked for something to eat. She has done nothing but lay on me all day, but she hasn't thrown up or been back to the bathroom. 

We went outside for a little bit and she sat in my lap and watched The Magic School Bus on her iPad. But the fresh air was good for both of us!

She did manage to paint for a few minutes. I really needed to get some contaminated clothes in the washing machine! 

She is still laying on me while we watch our 8th hour of Good Luck, Charlie. I'm not sure who's more interested, me or her. And I'm happy to report that Dusty just asked me to fix him some Ramen noodles. Let's pray those stay down. And please say a big prayer that I don't get this mess. No one in this house would fair well. 


Anonymous said...

Bless y'all! Breaks my heart when any of y'all are sick! Hopefully, the worst is behind y'all! Praying that you don't get it! Hate seeing my pitiful little girl's face! Poor baby! Feel better soon sweetie! Happy that Dusty is eating again! Sending hugs and kisses to y'all! Love y'all much!

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