Sunday, November 8, 2009


How far along: 19 weeks
Net weight gain/loss: up about 10 lbs.
Maternity clothes: Nothing but maternity pants! Still wearing most of my shirts, though.
Stretch marks: No (and let’s pray for none!!)
Belly button: innie
Sleep: Still interrupted every couple of hours for a bathroom break, but sleeping with a regular pillow between my legs helps me not toss and turn as much.
Baby movement: Yes! Loving it!
Food cravings: Captain D’s rice
Food aversions: No…
What I miss: Going for hours between bathroom breaks!
Looking forward to: Going to the dr. for an ultrasound this week…can’t wait to see Baby Girl again
Best moment this week: The Golden Tigers won their first playoff game. Now it’s time to take on the Trojans again!
Milestones: Baby Girl D’s skin is now covered with vernix caseosa, which protects it from the amniotic fluid. (If this didn’t happen, her skin would look like she’d taken a 9 month bath when she’s born.) She’s starting to grow hair and her brain is designating specialized areas for smell, taste, vision, and touch. She can distinguish between bitter and sweet tastes. Some researchers think she can even hear our voices now! It’s time to get the books out and turn on the music!


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