Sunday, November 1, 2009

Sunny Days and Shopping Dates

Win has really enjoyed the past couple of sunny days!


Doesn't he look happy to have been woken up?


Because I was desperately in need of pants to wear, we went shopping last night. We met a lovely (and slightly scary, crazy) employee at Motherhood. By the time we left, she knew my shoe size, my clothing size, my profession, and she'd made many trips to the dressing room to let me "try" something else. When we left, I knew her shoe size, her sister's shoe size, her father's profession, and more about her 5 year-old niece than I ever cared to know. Our purchases there were made just to get us out of there!! It's a good thing D is such a patient shopper, because we had to make a couple more stops to actually find pants that I could wear.



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