Avery Claire,
When I became your Mommy, I never knew I could love another person so much. I didn't know that I could fall more in love with your Daddy by looking into a face with eyebrows and dimples that are just like his. I had no idea that the first year of your life would be the most rewarding, best, hardest, sweetest, loveliest, most beautiful year of my life so far. I never knew that holding my sleeping baby would be such a sweet, precious thing.
I never knew when we heard the song My Little Girl when we got in the car to take you home from the hospital that it would have so much meaning to us. I didn't know that we would spend hours every day looking at you, talking to you, and watching you sleep. I had no idea how much joy you could bring to a house that was already full of joy.
Before I became your Mommy, I never knew it would take a toolkit to get into one of your baby toys. I didn't realize that a snotty nose or a poopy diaper would become such a part of my routine that I wouldn't blink an eye at cleaning them up. And I certainly never knew your Daddy would be able to handle either of those things with such ease, either!
It never occurred to me before I became your Mommy that you would truly become our life...our routines blended into yours and you blended into ours. We became the family I'd always dreamed of having. I could't have known how emotional I'd get the day you turned one week old. I had no idea it would take 363 days for you to lay your head down and fall asleep on my shoulder (you've always been a bouncer). I could never have understood the way my heart would swell when you wrapped your little arms around my neck. And I never knew, until now, that in the blink of an eye, you'd be a whole year old.
I never knew how excited and emotional I'd get when you reached new milestones...smiling, rolling over, trying baby food, getting teeth, sitting up, pulling up, talking/jabbering, crawling, walking. I know that you will reach many more milestones in your life, and I promise that your Mommy and Daddy will be just as excited about each one as we've been so far.
I never knew how hard it would be to "let go" of my baby. But I also never knew the fear that would grip my heart at the thought of not having you in our lives. So, even though it may be hard to watch my baby turn into a toddler, I never realized how much I would want to give our lives to God after I became your Mommy. I want Him to be in control of us. And I also didn't realize how lucky I would feel for each day that God blesses me with being your Mommy.
I'd always heard others talk about the sacrifices you make for your children. I never realized how easy it would be to make those sacrifices - and that they wouldn't even feel like sacrifices when you made them for your child. I didn't know how hard it would be to leave my baby with someone else every day so I could go to work. Although I would trade everything I own to be able to spend every second with you, I've come to realize how great being around others is for you. I also realize what a blessing it is to feel so comfortable with the people I leave you with - I never have to worry about you.
I never knew how much joy one little girl's smile could bring. I never knew how much happiness that your squeals would bring to our house. I never knew about the sense of responsibilty I'd feel for making sure you were protected. I never knew the sense of pride I'd take in being your Mommy and watching you grow. I truly never knew what unconditional love was...until I became your Mommy.
And you will never know how much I love you, my sweet girl....until you become a Mommy, too.
I love you so very much, my sweet girl,
I've been busy is my excuse
7 years ago
OMG!!! Too sweet! You are such a wonderful mommy! Please don't make me cry anymore this week! ;)
Happy happy birthday to Avery Claire!!!!!!!
Avery Claire will be so proud to read these notes to her one day. How sweet! Happy Birthday to her!
Happy Birthday Avery Claire!!!
Rob and Joyce
I can't believe it's been a year! Happy Birthday Avery Claire! You are such a great Mommy and hopefully she will never have to wonder about what's it's like to be loved. You should frame this for her when she turns 18!
Well thanks for the good cry:) You are such a wonderful mommy! Happy Birthday Avery Claire! It's been fun watching you grow and learn this year.
Love Bev & Andy
Brooke, I agree that this should be framed!! What a precious post! I love it! Nana has shed many happy tears this week! I think that when we sacrifice for our babies, it doesn't feel like a sacrifice at all! It just brings us joy to know that we are doing something to help our kids!! No one understands this until they become a parent!! It makes me happy that you now know how very much your dad and I have always loved you & Matt!!! You both will always be our babies!! I love you so very much!! Mom
Avery Claire, Some day you will read this and wonder why Nana did not post on your birthday the 25th. This is why! We came on Thursday night before your birthday on Friday! We were there when you woke up so we could wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! We played all day with you and loved every single second!! I think you knew that it was your birthday!! When we sang Happy Birthday, you would say YAY & Clap your hands along with all of us!!! You are ABSOLUTELY PRECIOUS!! We enjoyed your sweet Birthday Party! Your Mommy & Daddy hosted a beautiful party for their sweet girl!! It was perfect in every way just like they planned it for your special day!! We thank God every day for our beautiful & perfect Avery Claire Davis!! Wow, this year has passed so quickly and we treasure every memory we have made with you sweet girl!! We love watching you play, eat, sleep, learn new things, walk, jaber, cheer... We love all of your many facial expressions, love it when you kiss your babies and pat them so sweetly, love to help you clean out your drawers in your dresser, love to watch you look for Win... Can you tell that we love everything that you do?? We are so proud of you!!! You bring us joy beyond measure!! We are so thankful that God blessed us with you!!! We love you sweet girl so very much!!! Papa & Nana
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