Friday, October 3, 2014

Bennett's 36 Week Ultrasound

Thursday, I had our last ultrasound to check on Bennett. All is great. The ultrasound tech estimates that he weighs around 6.9 pounds. He would NOT move his arm away from his face. We jiggled him and the tech put a cold cup on my belly and clanged metal to make him move. He jumped every time and turned his head towards my back. Her response was "we know he can hear!" But she could not get a profile picture of his face. She commented again on all of the hair you can see on the back of his head.

I'm sure he will kill me for posting pics like this one day...maybe if he'd moved that arm, I'd have more to share. 

I go for about 20 minutes of monitoring every Monday and Thursday afternoon. It usually turns into 30+ minutes because I'm not in a regular check-up room and they forget about me. Dr. Hurd "checked" me {oh, how I hate that term} and said I was almost a 3 and my cervix is getting thinner. 

He's been very busy delivering babies and I mentioned the full moon next week and asked if he could tell a difference. He said, "the question is, will I see you at the hospital next Tuesday on the full moon?" I gave him a quick "no, absolutely not!!" He requested that I not go into labor the 16-18ish, and I told him my husband had asked that I avoid labor on those dates, too, so I'd see what I could do. I really need him to be in town for the "big day!"

He said my uterus is very "irritable" by looking at the readings. I'm definitely having contractions, and some of them hurt, but they aren't consistent at all. I know you can't see the numbers on the readout, but that spike on the line was close to 70 on a scale of 100 - those are definitely uncomfortable and make me stop what I'm doing for a minute. 
Bennett is pretty relaxed most of the time. They have to buzz him with their little buzzer to wake him up sometimes. They look for 2 spikes in heartrate during a 20 minute period. Yesterday, there were at least 5, so we're good! 


Anonymous said...

We are so thankful that all is good with baby Bennett and his mommy! Love y'all much!

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