Monday, March 8, 2010

36 weeks, 4 days Ultrasound

Okay, you're going to have to look closely again!! It's getting harder and harder to make out those little features because they're getting bigger. Angle your head to the right - if you can get your head at a 90 degree angle to the right, it helps!! There are two little dots where Avery Claire's eyes are. You can see her chin. And look at those chubby little cheeks (well, you can really on see one of them)!

Again...the hair! It's grown since last week!

Today's doctor visit went great. Avery Claire weights 6 lbs, 14 oz. She held on to her foot during the ultrasound - very sweet! My bp was about the same as last week, but didn't even warrant a comment from Dr. Frazier.
Dr. Frazier is amazed at how low Avery Claire is - she said that will "bode well for an easy delivery." We like the sound of that!! I'm not dilated, but my cervix is 40% effaced (thinned out). We're hoping dilation is not far around the corner!!


Brandi said...

Awww! Those sweeeet cheeks! I was wondering if that was an arm or a leg under her chin. She's getting crowded in there!

Mrs. Kelly Rooks said...

I can't wait to see all this hair! Have you had a lot of heartburn? Moonpie was the only one that I had a lot of heartburn, and she was born with the most hair out of the three.

Louise said...

How exciting that it is getting so close!!! I don't know that I will ever get there!!! :)

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