Friday, May 20, 2011

Lucky & Blessed


The baby girl has been sick (with a virus) this week. This virus resulted in blisters all over her lips and in her mouth. Looks painful, but she hasn't acted like it bothered her. The fever, however, has made her puny. I took her to the doctor after daycare called me Tuesday, and I stayed home Wednesday. Her sweet Daddy stayed home with her Thursday, and then Nana came up to stay with her Friday.

There's been lots of this...
And some of this...

Because they had to get out of the house for an hour or so Thursday (more on that in a minute), Daddy and daughter went to the park. Dusty sent me this picture (I guess to make me jealous that I wasn't there with them).
It worked. I wished I was there. Dusty said an older lady stopped and talked to Avery Claire as they were sitting on the bench watching the fountain. The lady said to Dusty, "Y'all are so lucky." You have no idea how often we've said that to ourselves lately. Life is kind of up in the air for us right now, in case you don't already know. There are lots of big decisions in our near where we might live next year, where we might work, if we might have a job...big things like that.

But it only takes one look at this face to remind us of the really important things in life. We have a perfect little girl who knows we love her. She may have a little virus, but she's healthy.

We have the most awesome, supportive family. For example, this Nana took off work at the drop of a hat to drive three hours to keep our girl because she just didn't feel quite up to daycare today.

After riding through some of the devastation caused by April 27th's tornadoes, we are again reminded of how truly lucky we are. We have each other, and when all is said and done, that's really all that matters.

If you get a sec, send a prayer up for us...that things just work out for the best for our family. We don't even know what specifics to pray for, but we know God will work it out. We even had interest in our house that we didn't seek (although we would have soon). I think, as we're making big decisions, we're learning big lessons. About patience. About integrity. And about faith.


Ashley said...

I just told your Mom today that God had a plan for you! Praying that His will is done!! :)

Brandi said...

OMG! Her mouth looks awful! I'm glad it wasn't bothering her though! And even when she is sick, she is the prettiest little girl I know!!! I hope everything works out for you guys. You know you are always in my prayers! Kiss that sweet girl and tell her Aunt B loves her!

Allison Wesley said...

Sending up prayers now:) Give it to God and he'll work it out. HE knows what's best for the Davis family! Hope that sweet Avery Claire feels better soon!!!!

Wendy said...

I will be praying for you all.

Anonymous said...

Brooke remember Romans 8:28 "all things work together to good for those that love the Lord". I know you have big decisions to make but just turn it over to God and everything will be fine. Love you and are praying for you and the decisions you make. Joyce

Anonymous said...

As tears are rolling down my face---LOVE my Davis family!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Brooke, as always, I want to fix everything to make it perfect for my children! We all know that God has the perfect plan for us all! I pray everyday for my sweet, precious family and I trust in God's perfect timing! As you said, we are so blessed and very thankful for our family's health, happiness, and love! God has wonderful plans for the Davis family!!! (I pray that includes a home close to us!!!) Lots of love to you all!! Mom

Anonymous said...

Avery Claire, Nana loved spending time with you last week! I am so happy that you are feeling better! You are the sweetest, smartest, and most beautiful litte girl I know!!!! You are so happy and you have such a wonderful, friendly personality!! I adore everything about you!! Yay!! Summer break starts next week!! I love and miss you all so very much!!! Nana

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