I mentioned that I failed my 1 hour glucose test at my last doctor's appointment. I had to go for the 3 hour test. I did try to limit sugar the day before the 1 hour, and I was even more cautious AND ate a lot of protein the day before the 3 hour.
Needless to say, it didn't matter. I failed the 3 hour test. I got the message while Avery Claire and I were at the movies last Thursday. My heart sank when I discreetly checked the message and heard that they would be referring me to and making my appointment with an endocrinologist. I heard from the endocrinologist's office that afternoon, telling me they'd made me an appointment for the following Monday at 9 am...which just so happened to be right in the middle of my institute at work. So, they were luckily able to change it and I went Friday. I was told to do nothing special - no fasting, go ahead and eat breakfast, etc.
So, after waiting FOREVER, I was finally called back, where they immediately checked my blood sugar/glucose level. It was excellent. Had it not been, I'd have cried because I only ate a teeny bowl of plain Cheerios because I had no clue what I needed to eat. I met the doctor, who told me I was not his typical gestational diabetes patient. Usually, GD results in more weight gain and puffiness. I've done really well with weight gain and am not puffy/swollen at all. I asked him if the results from my tests were high - his response was that they were postive for GD, but not too high. I plan to get those numbers from my OB next week! I want to know exactly how close I was to passing!
The nurse gave me a glucose meter, showed me how to check use it. The doctor talked with me about a diet plan, which includes a lot of protein, not a lot of sugar...you get all of that. He explained how often to check my level and said if it was good through the weekend, to only take it every other day. My fasting level (each morning) is supposed to be 90-100. My level 2 hours after a meal is supposed to be less than 120.
I ate half a subway sandwich for lunch that first day. By dinner, I was starving. I ate a potato with cheese. I expected a really high number. The next morning, I had Frosted Mini Wheats, which resulted in a high reading. For lunch, I ordered a grilled chicken sandwich WITHOUT the fries. If you know me, you know this was torture. And then they put the fries on the plate anyway. There was no way I could sit there and not eat a few. And eat just a few I did. And my level was good.
This picture is from Monday. I'm checking my level after meals because I figure if I don't, how will I know what's "okay" to eat. So far, only the mini wheats are off limits. I've even had pizza. It was thin crust, so I'm not sure if that made a difference or not. This is the first week of school, so we get to go out for lunch, which has been kind of hard. And they've had cookies and chips and candy in a bowl on our table every day. But I'm just experimenting/testing to see what works. I think I'm gonna have to try some french fries. Once will surely be okay...maybe it's too much sugar that makes my level go up!
I know this is very boring and if you're still reading, I'm sorry. I just wish I'd documented things like this better with Avery Claire, and want to make sure I could look back if I ever needed to in the future. Although I can pretty much assure you that, unless it's a surprise, this GD diagnosis makes a final decision about baby #3 very easy!
I have treated myself to ONE of these dandies a couple of times. They are actually quite yummy. And about half the size of a normal York.
I go back to the doctor (my OB) next week. They hadn't planned to do another ultrasound until 36 weeks, but I kind of expect them to do one sooner, just to check Bennett's size. That's one major concern about GD is that baby grows too big, which makes delivery harder. That thought (about an ultrasound, not about a harder delivery!) excites me because we haven't seen him in almost 10 weeks! I'm really curious to find out if he's positioned like I think he is or if what I think are legs are really fists punching me.
So, if you have an extra second when you say your prayers, I'd appreciate one...just that this is a very controllable case and that baby Bennett is not affected one little bit!
So far, I feel much better about this than I did a week ago. I have to say I was pretty upset about it. The doctor was very confident that it was very controllable and that all would be well. After a few days of adjustment, I'm feeling more and more like that myself.